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Woman for a day

You always wanted to know what it´s like to be a woman? What it feels like to have an orgasm as a woman? This erotic hypnosis MP3 will make your dreams come true! After listening you will live as a woman for one day!

Woman for a day – ENGLISH VERSION


24 hours as a woman! – You want to find out how it feels to live as a woman? This MP3 will turn you into the woman of your dreams for 24 hours. Order this great 24-hours-feminization now and find out what is like to be a woman!

Jetzt MP3 Downloaden und sofort anhören.

49:32 Minuten für nur 35,00 inkl. MwSt
Kein Risiko - Du kannst den Kauf jederzeit abbrechen.

This hypnosis will turn you into a woman!

Feel what it means to be a woman. To live as a woman. To orgasm like a woman? You always wanted to know what it feels like to have an orgasm as a woman? In this erotic hypnosis, you will have your first orgasm in your new feminine body. And after your orgasm, you will live 24 hours as the woman that you are!

First, you will fall into a deep level of trance and hypnotic sleep. Then your gender will be changed from male to female. This will feel so arousing, that you will have your first orgasm as a woman. After you wake up, you will no longer be aware of your penis. Your penis and your body will be transformed into a wonderful, sexy and erotic feminine body . This will last for 24 hours.

And within these 24 hours, you will only be one thing: a sexy, erotic, horny and feminine woman!


This erotic hypnosis contains the following suggestions:

  • Your manhood will be erased
  • You will be filled with feminity
  • You will no longer be aware of your penis
  • You will have an extreme orgasm as a woman
  • You will stay a woman for excatly one day!


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